Drug dealer simulator xbox one store
Drug dealer simulator xbox one store

drug dealer simulator xbox one store

Now I’m certainly not going to say that the game is ready for release, it’s not quite there yet. I really was pleased that most of these things never occurred. Whenever I try a Beta version game I set my expectations accordingly, I understand that there will likely be a number of glitches, I’m also more than prepared for the game to run badly, and potentially crash. As such I can only reflect my views on its current build, and my opinion may not be accurate or relevant by the time the full game is available.


This review will be based on the Beta demo that is available to everyone for free from the Steam store. I am going to start by explaining that the full version of the game is not yet released. If you own a PC, Byterunners Game studio has made these thoughts a reality with their title Drug Dealer Simulator (DDS) So if you have ever wondered what would it be like to live in the dark and shady world of a drug dealer, constantly looking over your shoulder, and fearing that the police will chase you and incarcerate you, then wonder no longer. That being said, the world of playing computer games has to be understood to be a made up and fantasy land, and if we all took it too seriously, and followed the action in real life we’d all be running around stealing cars and murdering people like we were taking part in the latest episode of GTA. I personally don’t agree with drug use, and have a strong opinion of those people that peddle the stuff to make a profit at the expense and misery of others. When you are a law abiding citizen, the thought of dealing drugs, and the world that it exists in is usually frowned upon.

Drug dealer simulator xbox one store